PERPLE LOVES: Gracie Edwards (Artist)

Perple Loves is a profile series of amazing individuals
that we are lucky to come across with. This is Gracie.
Gracie is a visual artist from Melbourne.
We talked about her practices and
dressing for our city.
Gracie Edwards 



1. What is your name and what do you do?

My name is Gracie Edwards and I'm a visual artist.


2. How did you become an artist?

My father is also an artist so I've always grown up surrounded by art and it's always been a big part of my world. I never thought I would become an painter though as I could never quite get the hang of painting when I was younger and so moved onto drawing and photography. I completed a Bachelor of Fine Art in 2018, majoring in Fine Art Photography, but it was during this time at university that I discovered my love for painting and colour.


One of Gracie's paintings



3. What do you like the most about painting?

I love the playfulness of painting; using colours, textures and toying with new techniques of painting. I think I used to take it too seriously or I viewed it as a 'serious' medium but soon discovered how much fun just experimenting is. Painting is almost therapeutic for me as it's a time where I can just focus on myself and the canvas in front of me.

The world gets a little quieter when I'm painting and I appreciate that the most.


4. Your photography works are beautiful, what are your tips to capture the right moments?

Always carry a camera on you. I always have a little 35mm point and shoot in my bag, so I try to never miss a moment. I guarantee that the time you don't have your camera, you'll see something you wish you could shoot.

I follow a rule of the double take - If I see something and it makes me do a double take, or it holds my gaze for that little bit longer then I gotta photograph it. You get a lot of nothing pictures but there's bound to be a few gems in there.


Some of Gracie's photography images 



5. Living in Melbourne, there are a lot of inspirations that can be derived from, how do you filter and choose what's best for your art?

I take inspirations from almost everything. I'm constantly consuming and observing the objects, spaces and sounds that I encounter in my everyday life. I always tell myself that I must keep learning and growing in order to become the best artist I can be, as so that is what I do. 

I try to educate myself on traditional and non-traditional painting techniques and use a lot of my street photography (from around Melbourne and abroad) to inform my painting practice, whether it be from composition to subject matter.

There are so many talented artists in Melbourne and as much as I'm inspired by them, I try not to focus too much on what others are doing - I want to find myself within my practice and hold onto that.


Gracie Edwards



6. Also, living in Melbourne, we do get 4 seasons in a day, what do you usually wear in those kind of days?

I used to carry an umbrella on me at all times because I could never trust the weather haha. But for the most part, I'm a simple dresser - I go for a skivvy underneath a shirt (give or take the skivvy depending on the weather) and then pair it with some jeans or patterned pants and a jacket or blazer.

It's crazy to think I've lived in Melbourne my whole life and still don't own a waterproof jacket... I gotta get onto that!


7. You are wearing your Medulla Top in the picture, Thank you! ;) What do you like about it?

I love everything about this top! The sleeves are so beautifully tailored and the open back is so nice, in fact I had been looking for a good backless top for a while and hurrah! 

It's easy to wear and extremely comfortable.


Gracie wears her Medulla Top - Black



8. When is your next show?

My next solo show is lined up for this September at Five Walls Gallery! I am really looking forward to this show because the paintings are much larger than my previous show and I'm really enjoying the direction my work is heading.


One of Gracie's paintings



9. Lastly, can you please tell us your favourite small businesses, so we all can follow and support them?

Some of my favourite small businesses are Sister Studios - which is a local clothing label in Fitzroy North, Fear - which is an online retail concept store owned by my good friend, Adah who focuses on supporting emerging designers. 

And of course, Perple! Holly's label is so unique and beautiful! I love the designs she's always coming out with.




Photography by Nico Tavella

You can view Gracie's works here or purchase her current collection here.
